

It is our core service that we are really good at. We translate in a number of languages, a variety of combinations, and a wide range of specializations and sectors. If needed, we can deliver your translation in no time, keeping in mind that premium quality is non-negotiable. We use state-of-the-art technologies to support the translation process, which makes our work more efficient.

Standard translation,i.e., translation that does not require an official certification. We work with documents in different formats and, if needed, convert the file into an editable format, maintaining its original layout.


We analyze each document to assign it to the most qualified expert in the field. We begin a large translation project by assembling a team of translators and proofreaders, who receive project-specific guidelines. Such a procedure ensures that the final product will meet our coherence and quality standards.

Certified translation

Certified (or sworn) translation is a translation performed, signed, and sealed by an officially attested translator listed in the register of state-approved translators held by the Minister of Justice. Virtually all documents used by administration or governmental bodies and institutions need to be translated by a sworn translator: contracts, transcripts, certificates, financial reports submitted by capital companies to financial supervision authority, etc. In many cases, it is mandatory to produce hard copies of certified translation. Sounds complicated? It's not! You can either pop into our office in the center of Warsaw, or we will send you your documents via courier.

Our certified translators also use electronic signatures, which are becoming more widely accepted by official agencies, so we can also send you an email with the relevant document. That makes it much easier, right?

Zgodnie z przepisami tłumaczenie przysięgłe w Polsce można wykonywać wyłącznie w kombinacji z językiem polskim. W przypadku kombinacji z języka obcego na inny język obcy, tłumaczenie przysięgłe realizowane przez Wordlink odbywa się dwuetapowo, z uwzględnieniem tłumaczenia na język polski.

Certified interpretation

Certified (or sworn) interpretation is interpretation performed by an officially attested interpreter listed in the register of state-approved translators held by the Minister of Justice. As a rule, you need a certified interpreter to assist you at a meeting in a notarial office, during court hearings, and in interactions with state agencies.

A certified interpreter needs to be present in order for the notarial transaction to be valid and legally binding in the light of the Polish provisions of law. When you are getting ready to buy an apartment, negotiate a shareholding agreement, or deal with any other matter that needs to be resolved before a notary, it is easy to forget to book your certified interpreter in advance. Sounds familiar? Don't panic - call or email us to get a last minute assistance!

Proofreading and copy editing

Even the best text often requires some finessing. Our proofreaders and copy editors will make sure your communication is stylistically compelling, while its tone and form exactly reflect your objective. They are the ones to double and triple check that scientific articles meet strict criteria of the relevant publisher, and press releases and marketing content reach and impact your target audience.

Proofreading by a native speaker is recommended in the case of all texts that will get published. An extra set of eyes will spot and correct every linguistic inconsistency.

We proofread and finesse texts originally written in Polish,which is actually one of the most difficult languages in the world.

If a given document needs a much closer look, rewriting it for marketing or PR purposes in line with the internal corporate guidelines, our copy editors dive deeper into the text and polish it. In copy editing, it is a must to find a happy medium between correctness, consistency, and the client's guidelines and expectations. Surprisingly, human touch performs this task much better than AI-powered tools, which tend to miss linguistic nuances and overly optimistically portray the actual situation.

And language creates our reality, so every word does matter.

Interpretation and technical support of conferences and meetings

We provide consecutive, simultaneous, and assisted interpretation in a number of languages and both online and offline in the location of choice.


We help our clients choose the perfect interpretation solution to ensure efficient and smooth achievement of their business goals. The location, number of participants, and character of the meeting play an important part in the process. We will let you know when it is a good idea to invest in full equipment with an interpretation booth and advanced audio system and when portable equipment will do its job just fine. You will get a brief review of the difference between all types of interpretation, all pros and cons of each type of service, and, if needed, we will schedule an on-site inspection of the venue or online tests. We will find talented, seasoned, and friendly interpreters with experience in the relevant sector.

Consecutive interpretation

Consecutive interpretation is a type of on-site interpretation that necessitates the speaker to pause and hand over control to the interpreter, who then provides a detailed interpretation of the message. Official events like galas, award presentations, and author meetings are the most common venues for its use. Consecutive interpretation does not require any special equipment. It should be kept in mind that consecutive interpretation takes time and thus makes the event last longer. For that reason, it is most suitable for shorter presentations or speeches.

Simultaneous interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is the most demanding form of interpretation. The original communication is interpreted as it goes and transmitted to the audience via audio equipment almost in real time. Simultaneous interpretation requires a team of experts working together and taking turns every 10–15 minutes to take a breath and get refocus. The job is demanding and requires a lot of concentration, stress management skills, linguistic proficiency, creativity, and the ability to work under pressure. It's no surprise that simultaneous interpreting is considered one of the world's most challenging professions.

At the client's request, we provide necessary equipment and technical assistance during the meeting. Our staff will be on the spot to help you with any technical issues. The technical team will be ready for anything, no matter the weather (literally, too!).

We provide:
digital interpretation system
wireless headphones
interpretation booth for 2 and 3 people

We are more than happy to draft a comprehensive cost estimate for your event (coverign interpretation, equipment rental, and on-site technical assistance). Get in touch.

Chuchotage (whispered interpreting) and accompanying interpretation

Chuchotage is a type of interpretation when the interpreter, in real time, transmits the original message in low voice directly to one or two listeners. To ensure extra comfort for the audience, we may provide a portable interpretation device for the interpreter and headphones for the listener.

Accompanying interpretation is a type of service where the interpreter, at times, turns into a tour guide that helps you better understand the local setting (including corporate) and more effectively communicate in a number of situations.

ONLINE interpretation

Nowadays, a number of meetings have been pushed online. And so have our interpretation services. 


We provide interpretation services during meetings and conferences held online, along with comprehensive technical support and required equipment. Our interpretation and technical team will run the tests beforehand to ensure that the meeting goes smoothly, no matter where you are.


We partner with to provide remote interpretation services all over the world.


Our amazing, highly-skilled partners help us find experts in all languages and arrange the technical side of every event.

Audiovisual translation

Audiovisual translation involves translation of video materials to a target language in the format agreed with the client. We translate scripts and subtitles in an SRT file format. We know the distinctive linguistic and technical guidelines of every major streaming platform, such as Amazon or Netflix.

When it comes to audiovisual content, we offer a number of specialised services, such as subtitled for the hard of hearing and audio description.

Fields of expertise


  • Insurance policies and forms
  • Annual financial statements
  • Claim-handling documentation

Financial statements and reports

  • Annual financial statements
  • Accounting and payroll documents
  • Invoices
  • Official letters and documents
  • Accounting newsletters


  • Corporate documentation : register excerpts (KRS, CEDiG)
  • Articles of association, deed of incorporation
  • POAs, déclarations et statements
  • Negotiations, transactions notariales
  • Courte documentation
  • Contracts, Last Will and Testament
  • Due diligence reports

Real estate

  • Property sales contracts and share purchase agreements (including interpretation during notarial transactions)
  • General contractor contracts
  • Lease contracts
  • Budgets, rent rolls, technical documentation to lease contracts
  • Due diligence reports, technical surveys, ESG reports
  • Office space leasing offers
  • Technical specification of buildings

Energy and renewable energy sector

  • Investment Agreements
  • Manuals and technical specifications
  • Permits and compliance certificates

PR & Marketing

  • Press releases and articles
  • Social media policies
  • Posts and websites
  • Product presentations
  • Product descriptions and labels
  • Leaflets, folders, and catalogues

Pharmacy and medicine

  • Descriptions of drugs
  • Shipment documents for medical products
  • Contracts for drug delivery
  • Medical expert opinions
  • Scientific articles
  • Drug compliance certificates

Investor relations

  • Press releases
  • Financial and non-financial investor reports on the company's operations

Films and series

  • Subtitles, subtitles for the hard of hearing, audio description scripts for films, series, and reality shows
  • Subtitles for commercials
  • Subtitles for interviews

Scientific articles

  • Translation of articles on geography, chemistry, cartography, geographic IT systems, biology, history, history of art, and many others.
  • Proofreading and editing of English-language scientific articles

Cannot find the service or field you are searching for? Contact us and we will find the right solution for you